Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Monday's Adventures

Monday morning started with leisure time and talking with our hosts, Rose and Larry. Early afternoon we got ready and traveled to Red Rock Canyon, which is only about 20 minutes from their home.

Awesome, magnificent, and my favorite word "WOW" are just a few words to attempt to describe the beauty of the canyon and the red mountains. Some of them look like someone put up painters tape and painted them different shades of red. GOD is awesome and his creations are indescribably beautiful. We don't have mountains like this in North Carolina, but ours are beautiful too.

We went to eat at The Cafe in Red Rock Casino. Huge plate of spaghetti. NO, I did not eat it all!!

After several hours, we went back to the house to freshen up and rest a little. Then downtown for the evening. First stop was Fremont Street, which is lined with all kinds of shops, restaurants and casinos with a canopy overhead. At dusk, they do a light show on the canopy that is fantastic and indescribable. At Bunions Casino, I had my picture taken with a Million Dollars.

Next stop was the Strip and the Imperial Palace for another show, DIVAS. Good show, great talent.

We got home about 1 a.m. and then to bed.

They are enjoying seeing my amazement and excitement as I experience all the wonders.

Looking forward to Tuesday's adventures.

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